The Curiosity of Pipe Dreams
Life on Mars? Or, Life on Earth?
I sit late at night on the terrace off the sitting room of the top storey and gaze with curiosity up at the stars. The sky is so clear here where no city blurs the darkness with neon, so the heavens blaze with a thousand points of light. I point out to myself the recognisable luminescent clouds of burning gas and spinning rocks that humans named and have tracked for thousands of years.
There’s Saturn and twinkling beyond the
edge of the crescent moon is Venus I think to myself, over there is Polaris
beckoning me toward some distant location. Overhead are cloudy nebulae, tiny
iridescent red giants and the streak of meteorites gathering wishes from
lovers, though we know they are melting rock and ice burning through the
My pipe stands beside me, scenting the air with the aromatic
fragrance of apple and honeydew, the water bubbling under hot coals, and I
breathe in the dreams of infinity.
Are all forms of travel
necessary to learn about the human condition? A few days ago I read an ‘open
letter’ posted on Facebook that went like this: Dear religion, while you
were arguing over which chicken sandwich it was okay to eat, I’ve landed on
Mars. Yours, Science. What a load of rubbish. This intentionally
antagonistic post is entirely misleading on several counts, and clearly written by someone whose lack of understanding in matters of theological debate is equal to their ignorance of science.
There isn’t a religion in
the world arguing over which chicken sandwich is okay – for those that advocate
giving up meat, chicken is simply off the menu, and for those that accept fowl
eaters as part of their flock how chicken is cooked or served is of no
relevance. Secondly, no one has landed on Mars. A camera landed on the surface
and sent back photos of rocks and a rugged surface of what appear to be
mountains – at extraordinary expense.
What if a person had
touched down on the red planet? Does that disprove the notion of God? Not at
all, for any God worthy of that title either created what exists beyond the
firmament and is therefore independent of our trivial validation, or exists in
some alternative realm that is not enslaved to the material, as we currently
are. Does it fly in the face of religion? Well, only the most conceited and
ridiculously obstinate forms of fundamentalist tripe that refuses to
acknowledge allegory and metaphor as legitimate forms of truth and narrative.
A couple weeks ago Jeremy
Paxman, a highly intelligent if somewhat arrogant television interviewer in the
UK, got in a bit of bother when he said anyone who believes in the literal
interpretation of the Genesis creation was “stupid”. Quite right Mr Paxman.
However, anyone who doesn’t appreciate the marvellous imagery and symbol-laden
telling of our origins with its revealed logic, veiled meaning and predictive sequence
of events is also a fool and an imbecile. There is much to be learned about our
sense of identity, and consequent to its importance in so many cultures over
several millennia a whole host of subsequent literary and creative references
to be found in this account (and throughout the entire volume of books we call
the Bible) that anyone unfamiliar with the stories and tradition, poems and letters and
myths and parables is lost to the world of art and ignorant in the revelation of history.
However, more importantly for the purposes of this post, what if people do visit Mars or any other planet? What good has come from the moon landing over 40 years ago? Teflon? Could the scientific advances made due to rocket-based space flight have come about by directing resources into more human-focused services? In what way has a person landing on the Moon changed life for the better?
If we locate another
potential life-sustaining rock spinning around a star somewhere on the other
side of the Milky Way what knowledge will be gained? Oh look, two hundred
million light years away is a probable planet that might possibly have some potential
for life forms. Did we need to spend billions upon billions to acknowledge
chance through ‘scientific’ corroboration? We will never be able to physically
arrive at any planet orbiting a star many millions of light years away –
certainly not in our lifetime, and not without entirely revising Einstein’s
equations. Talk about pipe dreams!
If a star is a million light years away that means it has taken a million years at the speed of light to reach earth. Given that it takes about 8 minutes for light to arrive on earth from our own sun, and it takes several days for our rockets just to reach the Moon, and Mars is but a stone’s throw in the vastness of space, just try to imagine how far away those stars are from us. Perhaps you’ll need a pipe to dream that far into the future, or rather, the past.
When I was a child I
believed in space exploration and even built replica Apollo and Gemini rockets
when that dream was so close to reality. (Though I wonder now about those
landings: not the argument of conspiracy theorists on plastic flags, but rather
the improbable physics of force of propulsion without resistance of atmosphere).
I’ve read both scientific journals and fantasy fiction on space travel and future development of colonies in distant places, seeing the human race as potentially space conquering beings whose future was among the stars.
Of course, I’d love the excitement of the solar system and black holes and all the other weird phenomena to capture the imagination of today’s youth the way my friends and I were captivated during the Apollo 11 mission, but, I would rather we allocated those funds to eradicating poverty than pictures of lifeless mountains on dead planets.
If you think those pictures of Mars are amazing, look at Earth and see some truly awesome sights, then work to protect our planet rather than sitting idly at a telescope and gazing with irrational unfulfilled curiosity into the emptiness of an airless space.
I’ve read both scientific journals and fantasy fiction on space travel and future development of colonies in distant places, seeing the human race as potentially space conquering beings whose future was among the stars.
Of course, I’d love the excitement of the solar system and black holes and all the other weird phenomena to capture the imagination of today’s youth the way my friends and I were captivated during the Apollo 11 mission, but, I would rather we allocated those funds to eradicating poverty than pictures of lifeless mountains on dead planets.
If you think those pictures of Mars are amazing, look at Earth and see some truly awesome sights, then work to protect our planet rather than sitting idly at a telescope and gazing with irrational unfulfilled curiosity into the emptiness of an airless space.
I like our salty oceans and fresh water lakes, turquoise and sparkling clear or murky with algae that glows emerald and jade as it feeds the underwater world, that magnificent variety of life that exists at depth.
I love the forests and jungles teeming with animals and insects of every description that together create an ecosystem we depend on. They deserve our concern as they slowly diminish due to our exploitative intervention in the natural habitat. The many facets of life here on our own planet should be the first priority of science and its extraordinary capabilities in this century.
America’s National Broadcasting Corporation news program reported on 1st August that just over half of the counties in the U.S. are now labelled ‘natural disaster areas’ following the announcement that the U.S. Department of Agriculture added 218 counties in 12 states to the list. Half the nation is deemed a natural disaster yet they spend billions sending cameras to Mars to take pictures of dry and lifeless red mountains that humans are unlikely ever to walk upon. If we do discover water under the surface of Mars will we send giant tankers to collect it for the thirsty back on Earth? They should go back to the drawing board.
grows from visions of something better for those who create reality from
imagination of purpose and a healthy curiosity, but let’s recognise the truth of existence. We all need Earth to stay
healthy; without it we are nothing. Travel
is an eye opening experience and discovering the Earth we live on is an
astonishing way to encounter ourselves and the culture we create, I recommend
it to everyone.
In the meantime don’t be deceived; there is no escape to other planets
regardless of what science fiction novel or film you might believe in. The idea
of space travel to supplement our dwindling resources or discovering alien life
that will save the human race from self-destruction is the real pipe dream.
Science can and should play
its part in developing solutions to the problems faced by our world. What I’m
against is wasting billions on flights of fantasy that put pipe dreams into
perspective as plausible calculations of life than a pointless venture by a few
into the vacuum of the unattainable.
The only people who benefit from this endeavour are Peter Pan types who never grew up and still think of themselves as explorers of distant stars – the ‘trekkies’ who can’t accept reality and so indulge fantastical dreams of playing astronaut, and of course the military industrialists who wage war on freedom with their spy satellites, nuclear missiles and Reagan-funded laser beams.
The only people who benefit from this endeavour are Peter Pan types who never grew up and still think of themselves as explorers of distant stars – the ‘trekkies’ who can’t accept reality and so indulge fantastical dreams of playing astronaut, and of course the military industrialists who wage war on freedom with their spy satellites, nuclear missiles and Reagan-funded laser beams.
Scientists would convince
you they have answers to the questions people pondered since the earliest
humans attained self-awareness, and they wish to relegate all religious
experience to the realm of ethical enquiry. Unfortunately, this seems to be a
symptom of the times we live in, an age of information over imagination.
This is the age of the scientist and engineer, most of whom lack the humanistic vision of a creative God who endowed the genesis of life with a spark of spirit, though they frequently tamper with the very foundations of evolution; this too will pass.
Look to the stars and try
to calculate the uncountable billions. Look to your heart and feel the beating
pulse of age. Look in your lover’s eyes and see the smiling reflection of
time’s breath. Look at the sun and recognise the colour of dreams. Look within
and appreciate the supremacy of love. Look at us all and sense the opportunity
of our age. Look out, for there are
those in this world who would steal this moment to replace wonder with fear and
truth with the façade of power.
Look to the future and hope that we can still dream through the marvel of imagination, because that’s where truth is. When that truth is shared amongst equals it becomes authentic. Indeed, fulfil our infinite curiosity, but if you want answers to age-old questions or solutions to today’s problems, look inside your mind and see the light of those stars shine like constellations as thoughts connect to create ideas – that’s where we live and where dreams become reality.
There are no rainbows on Mars!
* * *
Look to the future and hope that we can still dream through the marvel of imagination, because that’s where truth is. When that truth is shared amongst equals it becomes authentic. Indeed, fulfil our infinite curiosity, but if you want answers to age-old questions or solutions to today’s problems, look inside your mind and see the light of those stars shine like constellations as thoughts connect to create ideas – that’s where we live and where dreams become reality.
There are no rainbows on Mars!
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